Friday, May 23, 2008

Diamonds -new wealth is good for health and well being

When the wolf is at the door, a diamond is just what the doctor ordered . It was a great experience to get $5000 from a $100 investment that I had forgtten about!
  • Personal Proof that Canadian Diamond Traders (CDT) works and delivers

    Endorsement and Reference from Traderpc, my trading name -

    On May 15,2008

    Carrier from registered delivery arrived
  • The package contained· 3 diamonds
    · cheque
    · marketing material
    · record of transaction
    100$ feeder turns into net $4480 USD – 2 years in the making
    Over 4000% return

    In summary -What we learned is that the Canadian Diamond Traders (CDT) system really works and delivers! A pleasant and ethical surprise after all the other misguided opportunity and big buck dream and try options – such as- TTI, BIM, FSI. The big promises, poor return options that failed. We did learn that the CDT diamond trading system works:
  • The CDT tools work -are easy to use and useful especially the self replicating sites –your immediate web presence
  • It is real - Real tools now not in the distant future. CDT is a real, credible e-business that is operational Now , where you can supplement your income Now with a real customer delivery structure that works Now.
  • CDT has a solid , credible reputation, a real web presence and real operating tools in place – No more MLM hype and hope meetings just real true web marketing and sales delivery with a real return on your time ,money and effort.

    Dare to be great –check it out - You have Nothing to lose and everything to gain

    Duplicate my success -The Doctors presription for well being

Background information - useful statistics –Canadian Diamond Traders (CDT)

  • CDT Community Statistics and tracking as of - May 19, 2008

    161,269(one hundred sixty one thousand two hundred sixty nine) Diamond Traders .

    There are currently: 125409 active users. 20908 are waiting to become active.
    14952 of 125409 active diamond traders multiple times earned $3000 and a $2500 worth of diamond .
    14954 of 125409 active diamond traders recieving $3000 and a $2500 worth of diamond Now!.
    29908 of 125409 have one step to become collector .
    59816 of 125409 competing with 29908 polishers to become collector .
    20731 new diamond traders of 161269 completing their perfect team .
    1312 new registered Diamond traders for the last week .

  • Our immediate personal challenge and objective:
    Traderpc and the affiliated teams will do better , faster in next time performance cycle
    Based on the experienced success and the completed due diligence learning curve
    Based on the rapid development of effective CDT marketing support tools
    Based on the basic benefits of diamond ownership ( product appreciation and portability of high value products in demand worldwide )
    Based on CDT membership benefits – credibility and independent distributor financial and time investment returns
  • Special Time incentives and other performance promotions available

to be or not to be

To be or not to be an independent entrepreneur – that is the question?
To be really effective as an entrepreneur – you need the will and drive to have many real customers and products to drive and diversify your business revenue and income..

When you first begin your entrepreneurial career-whether as a business owner, distributor, inventor, writer, photographer, web designer, graphic artist or whatever challenges, motivates and inspires your personal interest -you have to face the ultimate challenge of getting clients or users of your products and services. This is your ultimate and primary golden hurdle!

So you scour all the Internet articles and marketing books, and you prudently and diligently do your home work, talk with others who have gone before you, to see if they have a secret to make your dream opportunity and desire for financial independence a successful reality. You build up your knowledge, resources and the courage to take the “less safety and security” risk jump.

Then, one day, you take the leap. You begin to market your entrepreneurial business. You soon come to realize that if you don't aggressively market your products and services, you are going to get nowhere fast. That's not why you became a driven self directed independent entrepreneur or is it? You became a entrepreneur because you wanted to call your own shots, make a difference and you believed that you could make more money working for yourself than for someone else-right!

If you are diligent, focused and determined, your marketing efforts will soon begin to pay off. You land a couple of clients. One of them, in fact, may be a big one. It's a well respected, credible large company with lots of work for you to do and plenty of money to give you in return for your effort and performance. Excellent and bravo, you’ve cleared a major hurdle, you've managed to impress and wow them .Your new clients have given you the .opportunity to strut and show case your talent, energy and capability.

Welcome to the gravy train! Welcome to the world of the chosen- those who get paid for their creative effort and talent at some else’s expense.

Can this pleasant dream turn into a nightmare? What are the pitfalls, and other considerations that you should consider and be aware of? Is it just too good to be true?

A pragmatic reality check

Too many entrepreneurs make the mistake of allowing a large percentage of their income to come from one source. If one client supplies more than 20 percent of your revenue on a consistent basis, you need to find more clients and other sources of soon as possible. Client diversification is a prudent and survival must!

Everyone knows people who worked full-time and then decided to do entrepreneurial work as an independent consultant, almost exclusively, for their former employer. This is a simple mistake. Don't let familiarity doom your bottom line. Always be on the lookout for new clients or “opportunities”. The more golden eggs in your diversified talent portfolio or nest, the better and stronger you truly are.

It is reasonable in the very beginning of your entrepreneurial career, to have only one or two clients to start, so they will, naturally, contribute a large percentage of your income.. Drive yourself to get more clients. Set a realistic target –after about six months, you really need to have multiple clients and many baskets full of all those golden eggs. Client diversification is a prudent, important common survival sense that you must instinctively follow.

Complacency, the lack of discipline and your negative time wasting self indulgences are all critical and common business mistakes of Independent entrepreneurs. These mistakes often turn self-employment into an excuse for self-indulgence, procrastination and ineffectiveness. Remember your time is your money and real sweat capital-spend it wisely to succeed.. Having one big, lucrative, timeless client is a surefire way to fall into the trap of self-indulgent complacency. Self-indulgence leads to all kinds of excuses for not working or working effectively. The sad reality and fact is -that when you're a non-working independent entrepreneur, you are destined to be a broke independent entrepreneur.

While it is okay - and quite rewarding - to have a big, lucrative client, don't let that client dominate your time or make you financially dependent on him or her for your livelihood. Be disciplined enough, self-motivated enough to always diversify your client and business customer base. The alternative is to remember your past before the entrepreneurial plunge- motivate yourself to get new clients, or quit being a self employed entrepreneur. Do you really want to go back to a dismal or less appealing work environment in that restrictive company box or cubicle with its many restrictions, constant pressure, few if any fast track chances, a reduced and different destiny, with little prospect for advancing in your field of endeavor, lower freedom to make your difference or mark in the world and no chance to make more money-no matter how hard you work.

About the author

Siegfried Holle, BS, M.B.A , is a seasoned business consultant and entrepreneur , who gives enterprising people the confidence, support knowledge and action plans they need to start, run and grow their own lucrative independent entrepreneurial businesses - much sooner and more easily than they could by themselves. For information, resources, more business survival tip articles and a complimentary new business recommendation, contact the author at or visit his latest opportunity site

A professional business leader registered in the National Registers Who's Who in the executives and professionals' classification, Holle holds an M.B.A. in marketing and logistics from Indiana University and a B.S. in business with honors. He is a serial business and social entrepreneur, with extensive experience in real life client challenges,

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Googling your health - power to patients

How do we improve access to our medical reords?

Placing information that's as highly sensitive as personal medical records into the care of unregulated Internet storage systems is risky business, and it could open the door to all manner of marketing and false advertising people who are eager for this gold mine of medical information.
Unfortunately, the only way to safeguard against this sort of thing is to get the government involved … and while I'm not fool enough to believe that the Federales cannot get their mitts on your personal medical records if they really want them, I'm incredibly uneasy about handing over stewardship of medical records to the government.

The authors of this article are doctors after my own heart. As Dr. Isaac Kohane, one of the authors said, "I'm a great believer in patient autonomy in general, but there is going to have to be some measure of limited paternalism."

One potential solution to this problem would be to extend the HIPAA to cover Internet players like Microsoft and Google. This seems to be the quick and easy solution to the problem. But what worries me is, as Dr. Kohane called it, the idea of "limited paternalism."

If you've been paying attention, you're well aware that once a government department or bureau is created, it grows. There's nothing at all "limited" about any government organization. I'm always suspicious of central authority, especially when the government has, in my humble opinion, such a bad track record with healthcare bureaucracies (as you know, my favorite example is the FDA).

But does the government really need to get involved? After all, every day millions of Americans already trust incredibly personal information to Microsoft and Google's care in the form of emails through free webmail services such as Hotmail and Gmail – this is merely the electronic form of the mail handled by the U.S. Postal Service, and it is often just as sensitive (if not more so) as medical records. Emails sent via Hotmail and Gmail routinely contain loads of personal and financial information. And yet this never seems to be compromised by Google or Microsoft.

I say leave Uncle Sam on the sidelines on this one. The security for personal medical records is already in place – Microsoft and Google are more than ready to safeguard Americans' medical records. They have the unique opportunity to usher in a new age of empowerment for patients all over the country. Let's give them the chance.

Power to the patients!
William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Patient advocacy growing as a business | ®

Patient advocacy growing as a business ®: "Patient advocacy growing as a business
Your hired help at hospital or in ER could be lifesaver
By Carla McClain
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona Published: 04.27.2008
advertisementAs patients die waiting in emergency rooms, as they lay neglected in hospitals beds, as they struggle to find proper care for injuries and illness, a new first commandment has emerged for anyone forced to seek medical care:

Never, ever go alone.
Do not enter a hospital, an emergency room, or any other medical facility without competent, assertive help by your side at all times. To do so puts your very life at risk. Even doctors and nurses on the front lines of the system will tell you that today.

As hospital care grows increasingly complex and medical errors kill some 100,000 Americans every year, a whole new industry is forming to deal with this disaster — offering hired help to get you through your hospital stay alive.

It is a trend emerging here and across the country, though it's not without controversy — and a hefty price tag. But it may be offering a vital, even lifesaving service in a severely overburdened medical system plagued by a shortage of nurses, doctors and hospital beds."

Patient advocacy growing as a business