Tuesday, February 28, 2006

CANOE -- CNEWS - Politics: Tories: May be long wait to cap wait times

CANOE -- CNEWS - Politics: Tories: May be long wait to cap wait times: "OTTAWA (CP) - There could be a long wait time for the new Conservative plan to cap medical wait times. Health Minister Tony Clement acknowledges it will take a lot of work with provinces to implement the 'care guarantee' that his party promised during the election campaign.
The purpose of the guarantee is to ensure that patients get care within clinically acceptable time limits even if that means they must be sent to another province or country.
Details of the proposal have not been spelled out.
'It's not one of those ones where I can sort of waltz into the House of Commons and slap a bill down and say, 'OK, problem solved,' ' Clement said in an interview.
'This one takes a lot of collaboration with the provinces and territories. This is one where you're going to have to have people rowing in the same direction in order to make some progress.'
Manitoba Health Minister Tim Sale has already spoken against the notion of care guarantees, saying none of the provinces have extra capacity in the key areas where the most pain is.
David Spencer, a spokesman for Ontario Health Minister George Smitherman, said his province already has a wait times strategy, including a program for out-of-country treatment. "

Friday, February 24, 2006

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Laugh for Better Blood Vessels - RealAge Tip of the Day

Laugh for Better Blood Vessels - RealAge Tip of the Day: "Laugh for Better Blood Vessels

Laugh your way to better blood vessel function by watching a funny flick.
Laughter relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow -- the exact opposite of what your blood vessels do when you are stressed. In a small study of healthy men and women with normal blood pressure, watching a funny movie increased blood flow by about 22 percent. If funny movies aren't your style, spend time with the people who tickle your funny bone.

RealAge Benefit: Laughing often can make your RealAge up to 8 years younger. "

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A childless culture

A childless culture: "Canadian families do not make babies like they used to. A dramatic decline in fertility in recent decades, combined with an aging population, has the potential to transform every aspect of Canadian society, from schools and housing to social attitudes toward family. In this, the first of a four-part series, the National Post examines the far-reaching implications of the fertility crisis."

Friday, February 17, 2006

Ont. considers presumed consent for organ donations

What do you think ? An intrusion or a right for a good government cause? QJ

Ont. considers presumed consent for organ donations: "TORONTO -- The question of whether to make Ontario the first jurisdiction in Canada to allow hospitals to harvest organs from dying patients who don't register an objection is proving a weighty one for the province's elected officials.
New Democrat member Peter Kormos introduced a private member's bill Thursday that would presume consent for organ donations from any dying patient who hasn't already made their wishes clear. "

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Man ready to go to U.S. to extend his life

It is all about Life and death choices - the man wants to live not more excuses from the health system which is supposed to be universal and free . What great value from his tax contribution . Discusting - this non delivery of universal care myth in Canada, QJ

Man ready to go to U.S. to extend his life: "Man ready to go to U.S. to extend his life
Article Tools
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Font: * * * * Pamela Cowan, Leader-Post
Published: Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Even as he underwent chemotherapy Tuesday afternoon, a desperate Swift Current man was planning to go to the United States to get a cancer drug that the Saskatchewan government has yet to approve.
'I don't think I can wait any longer,' said Bob Loeppky, 64. 'I have to look at other options so I'll either go to Minot, (N.D.) Great Falls (Mont.) or the Mayo Clinic in Rochester (Minn). It will depend on the travel connections.'"

B.C. eyes mixed health care

Finally choice and a step in the right direction QJ

B.C. eyes mixed health care: "VICTORIA - The British Columbia government signalled yesterday it will introduce major health care reforms -- including examining European models that offer a blend of publicly and privately delivered services -- to stem escalating costs that have made the existing system unsustainable.
In a Throne Speech with a heavy focus on health care, Premier Gordon Campbell's Liberals pledged to update the Canada Health Act on their own, if necessary."

Saturday, February 04, 2006

12 Ways to Make Your RealAge Younger

12 Ways to Make Your RealAge Younger: "Below are the top 12 Grow Younger� strategies designed to make your RealAge younger. For personalized recommendations, take the RealAge test. "