Everyone stands in line or que for the government services that they have paid for through their taxes. As paid customers they should be treated with effeciency, respect, and courtesy. Most often they are not. They face smug indifference, arrogance, unnecessary delays, by the so called " public civil servants" . Q-jumpers is a blog to get services through any other means , offer competitive alternatives and make government services more accountable and customer user friendly.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
ProActive Rants: Care rationing-What happens when there is no more money for public health care?
Here is the bleak future -if we hit the spending wall
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Douglas MD daily dose highlights
What I talked about in the Daily Dose this week...
Hospital med worsens psychosis
Some of the worst "care" you'll ever see takes place in hospitals every day, where mainstream medicine kills more people than it ever saves. Researchers have found that a drug commonly given off-label to intensive care patients who suffer from delirium actually makes the condition worse, and might even kill them to boot.
Read the full story.
'Twinkie Diet' will kill you
Want to be healthy by mainstream standards? Just reach for a box of Twinkies.
Read the full story.
Researchers warn against red yeast rice
Offer a safe and inexpensive alternative to a risky and expensive drug, and watch how fast they beat down your door. Just look at the latest study on red yeast rice.
Read the full story.
Gardasil down, but not out
Teenage girls and their parents aren't as dumb as Big Pharma thinks -- because a new study finds they're saying "NO!" to the dangerous public health experiment known as Gardasil.
Read the full story.
The potato diet publicity stunt
A publicity-hungry potato industry bigwig is out to prove that spuds are health food -- and to make his point, that's all he's eating for two starchy months. But this is a lose-lose proposition.
Read the full story.
Garlic for your blood pressure?
Garlic might not keep any vampires away from your blood, but it could help shut your doctor up about your blood pressure.
Read the full story.
Common drugs increase risk of stroke and death
Reasons #47 and #48 to avoid antidepressants: They increase your risk of stroke and death.
Read the full story.
Booze helps women live better
My two favorite W's have always been women and wine -- and they go together like, well, women and wine. It's a perfect pairing... and two new studies found that women who drink don't just live longer -- they're also much healthier when they do reach old age.
Read the full story.
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