Thursday, October 01, 2015

Robots, touchscreens and tablets: Inside Toronto's 'fully digital' hospital | CTV News

Robots, touchscreens and tablets: Inside Toronto's 'fully digital' hospital | CTV News

Wave of the future ?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Gaslighting: The Mind Game Everyone should Know About. | elephant journal

Gaslighting: The Mind Game Everyone should Know About. | elephant journal

A new term for political correctness abuse is being gaslighted ?  ...And the solution is do not be gas lighted by the manipulators

"It is imperative that the victim realises that they have been a pawn in a very nasty game so they can let go of all the blame they have placed upon themselves and become familiar with the warning signs so that they do not fall victim again."

Gaslighting: The Mind Game Everyone should Know About. | elephant journal

Gaslighting: The Mind Game Everyone should Know About. | elephant journal

A new term for political correctness abuse is being gaslighted ?  ...And the solution is do not be gas lighted by the manipulators

"It is imperative that the victim realises that they have been a pawn in a very nasty game so they can let go of all the blame they have placed upon themselves and become familiar with the warning signs so that they do not fall victim again."

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Vaccination cover-up exposed as CDC admits to tossing data - Douglass Report - Official Site | Douglass Report - Official Site

Vaccination cover-up exposed as CDC admits to tossing data - Douglass Report - Official Site | Douglass Report - Official Site

It is sad when the government agencies breach their public trust or those that  pays them for sound protection .

"Vaccines aren’t nearly as safe as advertised, and they’re certainly not even close to effective. If anything, they’re wrecking the natural development of the immune system and making our kids sicker and weaker unable to fight off illnesses naturally on their own.

It’s time to stand up to the liars and bullies — time to take a stand for what you believe in."

Time to squeeze the lemons ?

 The CDC should not allow bad research practises that could increase Autism for the benefit of their crony sponsors ,the  drug companies!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Friday, May 08, 2015

Alberta -the new Kids in a candy store

National Post ePaper

It is no disgrace to be a teacher, or a social worker, or a labourer, or a student. But these are not the occupations from which capable political leaders generally emerge.

the alberta aftermath  of 44 years of conservative rule ,ended by a populist revolt , will but the NDP to the real test of governance?

Monday, April 27, 2015

What can you do when the Food guide is broken?

The food guide that nobody wants to fix

While it’s true that pretty much no one goes grocery shopping with Canada’s Food Guide in hand, that doesn’t mean the Guide doesn’t play an incredibly important role in our nation’s health. Touted by Health Canada as the second-most downloaded government document behind tax forms, it serves as our country’s nutritional backdrop. The Guide underlies the diet policies and programs in our publicly funded schools, hospitals, arenas and corporations; it is taught to our children, our future doctors, dietitians and other allied health professionals as gospel; and it is utilized by the food industry to advertise the health benefits of their products.  

Maybe you should start by not believing all the propaganda that you have been feed...... Start by becoming food wise and doing your own due diligence.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How to Work: The Most Important Self-Reliance Skill Ever - DIY - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

How to Work: The Most Important Self-Reliance Skill Ever - DIY - MOTHER EARTH NEWS