Monday, January 31, 2005

ProActive Rants

ProActive Rants

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Making a proactive difference for you and me
Need a "health enhancing" laugh?

Hey, who doesn't? It all about improving our understanding of the

An Health Gain Forum member named Jerry posted a satirical piece titled "Top 10 reasons why we need drug companies" on the HGF Forum. The list was written by Mike Adams, a health columnist for Mike has very generously offered this to anyone who needs a "health enhancing" laugh. I've trimmed it a little, and added some cannuk references but the entire piece can be found on our web blog site ( by clicking on "Forum."

Cures and Curses: We need drug companies to keep finding cures for major diseases. Look at all the cures they've found so far like... well... okay, they haven't actually found any cures yet. But maybe they can at least cure all the bogus diseases they made up like "social anxiety disorder" and "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder." These diseases truly reflect what our public or government service providers are all about. The politically correct reasons why we need more of the same is:

National Security: In the U.S. drug companies are crucial for protecting the national security by banning prescription drugs from untrustworthy countries like Canada. In Canada we have a free health care system which is neither free nor healthy- some pundits say this is also bad for their national security.
The Economy: Never mind that most pharmaceutical companies or governments sell useless products at ridiculous prices. All that money changing hands is great for the economy. You may be diseased, but think on the bright side: your Big Pharma stocks and government taxes are soaring! (With all that money, you might even be able to afford health insurance and a health system that works...)
Doctors: Without the pharmaceutical companies, what would all the doctors do for work? After all, most so-called "medicine" involves little more than scribbling out a prescription for the latest mass-advertised drug. Without drugs, doctors might actually have to TALK to patients. Horrors!
Ethics: With the Adscam investigation on and Chretein gone, we need a new, national example of strong ethics that properly communicate the essence of American corporate greed. Pharmaceutical companies could make the Feds look like the Girl Scouts.
Political Fundraising: We need drug companies to support the re-election efforts of national leaders.
Publishers: Without drug company advertising, who would support all the newspaper and magazine publishers in this country? After all, many print publications are now little more than pro-drug infomercial rags dressed up to look like credible news magazines.
Patient Responsibility: Without drug companies shifting health responsibility away from patients, the people would actually have to think for themselves and take control of their own health. That's simply too much to ask from a dumbed-down population.
The Environment: Drug companies set an excellent example of fair and balanced environmental policy, which is why antidepressant drugs are now showing up in the water supply. Their new environmental slogan? "You take it, you flush it, we fuggedaboutit!"
The Elderly: Everybody agrees we need honest businesses to look out for the interests of our elders. Pharmaceutical companies handle this with finesse by taking over the full monthly incomes of most retired folks. It's a genuine public service.
Special Interest preservation.We must keep all monopolies in place, our dinosaurs have the right to linger and feed indiscriminately from public and private resources. Out of the box thinking and real competition is bad for big bodied ,small minded organizations....
Enjoy and make comments on government , and others lapses in thinking . Solve the problem by being part of the solution . Expose and make visible problems and challenges from the common government service diseases "their social anxiety disorder" and "their attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" and other self serving crisis that they create to divert the public's attention from providing services that have been paid for and are not being delivered as promised." Have some fun and make them pay for a refreshing change in direction with real .results. Let the games begin to make a difference .

The Truth Warrior