Sunday, February 13, 2005

McGuinty a disappointing leader who fails to deliver his promises

ProActive Rants: "Sunday, February 13, 2005
McGuinty Negotiation tactics -the Hamilton Rant
Our fearless provincial leader is making more noise to improve services by getting more money form the FEDs rather then revamping or allowing the health service to be more effective. Again deflecting attention from his dismal performance record to date.

What a disappointment. What a change from his promise to reach consensus before he was elected. What other promise can he possibly breach in the next 3 years ? Please call an election and see what your constituents think. Enough is enough.

Reader feed back : This is a 'F' outrage. Ontario is no longer the economic engine that drives the Canadian economy.If this asshole didn't f----- up everything he touched, we wouldn't have a fiscal problem

Hamilton: 'McGuinty drags Que. into war with feds
Wants Ottawa to review equalization payment program"

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