Friday, November 25, 2005

Candidate for legal health challenge needed

Any legal means to get value for our money is encouraged . Are you the one who will make the difference? QJ

Hello friends of freedom,

Now that Quebec's health care law has been invalidated by the Supreme Court of Canada, the Canadian Constitution Foundation wants to challenge regressive health care laws in other provinces, using the Chaoulli decision as a precedent.

We are looking for a suitable plaintiff, for whom we can provide free legal representation in challenging a provincial law. The plaintiff must be unafraid of publicity, and willing to do radio, newspaper and television interviews from time to time. The plaintiff must be personally affected by the legal prohibition on buying private medical insurance, ie. someone who is suffering on a waiting list, unable to access necessary medical care.

There won't be any financial stress for the plaintiff, as legal representation will be provided without cost.

However, there will be stress in "going public" with the complaint, doing media interviews from time to time, being cross-examined by the government's lawyers, plus a few court appearances.

The battle, from start to finish, will take years, not months.

The plaintiff must be willing to stick with it, even if she or he obtains medical treatment before the court makes a ruling.

If you know of a person who is willing and able to handle the stress of being a plaintiff -- for the good cause of freedom -- please refer them to me, or pass this e-mail along to them.

Yours sincerely,

John Carpay
Executive Director
Canadian Constitution Foundation
Phone: 403-592-1731

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