The problem is the same right accross Canada. Ask the same questions in your area and get surprized. Start with your self serving Ministry of Health and then your hospital - find out what the administration to front line service providors ratio is!
Legalized self serving incompetence is endemic and not suistainable -QJ - Winnipeg News - Health cash cows: "They have trouble staffing the front lines of health care but the bureaucrats running the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority never seem short of cash when it comes to padding their own wallets.
According to the WRHA's 2005 compensation disclosure report, WRHA CEO Brian Postl continued to haul in one of the biggest salaries of any government bureaucrat in Manitoba last year, taking in a cool $358,923. "
Everyone stands in line or que for the government services that they have paid for through their taxes. As paid customers they should be treated with effeciency, respect, and courtesy. Most often they are not. They face smug indifference, arrogance, unnecessary delays, by the so called " public civil servants" . Q-jumpers is a blog to get services through any other means , offer competitive alternatives and make government services more accountable and customer user friendly.