Adult Message: Communicate and speak to an audience of educated experienced individuals who want to make the most of their lives.
Eons features a fabulous interactive community of members (think MySpace for Grown-ups), plus they have a number of unique and fun features, including the most detailed Longevity Calculator ( I've ever seen. Designed by Dr. Tom Perls of the Centenarian Study, the Eons calculator is medically sound and personalized, offering the most relevant changes you can make to improve your quality of life. There is always a great deal of focus on exercising our bodies yet we often neglect to sharpen our minds. Eons also offers unique Brain Builder Games ( to help keep your most important muscle in shape and reduce risk of memory loss. You can actually have fun while keeping your mind sharp!
Everyone stands in line or que for the government services that they have paid for through their taxes. As paid customers they should be treated with effeciency, respect, and courtesy. Most often they are not. They face smug indifference, arrogance, unnecessary delays, by the so called " public civil servants" . Q-jumpers is a blog to get services through any other means , offer competitive alternatives and make government services more accountable and customer user friendly.
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