Wednesday, January 31, 2007

another broken health promise

Why not use old match ie total number is those hired , less those that have left nursing QJ Sadly we are becoming more immune to the Government Bovine Brazil or BS syndrome - more talk , more regulations and useless rules , using more money and of course yeilding less when measured against standards and normal expected results

Osprey Media. - Brantford Expositor: "Less than meets the eye in hiring of nurses

James Wallace
Queens Park - Monday, January 29, 2007

Ontario's health care woes over the past few years have grown painfully,
nakedly obvious for everyone to see.
Our emergency rooms, as a Canadian Institute for Health Information
report confirmed this week, are overwhelmed and cope by subjecting
patients to long, even extraordinary wait times, often three to nine
Just half of all patients are treated within the four-hour standard the
Ontario Medical Association and Ontario Hospital Association would like
to see.
This hardly comes as a surprise.
Doctors in Brantford, St. Thomas, Guelph and Waterloo region created a
website a couple of years ago to record emergency room horror stories
because they knew patients were leaving crowded emergency rooms and
Among the litany of contributing problems are the doctor shortage, a bed
shortage and funding complaints but a key and often unaddressed
contributor to hospital and emergency room wait times is Ontario's
nursing shortage. "

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