Five reasons Grandma should get online: "5 reasons Grandma should get online
Seniors tune in to technology to connect, shop and stay informed'
This is a useful article that indicates that seniors are the fastest growing group on the net, and that the computer enhances their lifestyle by enabling them . The five reasons are 1. Social networking with their friends and family, 2. the convenience of shopping on line (freedom of virtual mobility), 3. Banking and taking care of own finances. 4. E-learning through books and free web resources 5. Keeping with it -informed, in touch,knowledgeable and worldly.
Everyone stands in line or que for the government services that they have paid for through their taxes. As paid customers they should be treated with effeciency, respect, and courtesy. Most often they are not. They face smug indifference, arrogance, unnecessary delays, by the so called " public civil servants" . Q-jumpers is a blog to get services through any other means , offer competitive alternatives and make government services more accountable and customer user friendly.
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