Saturday, December 1, 2007 GOD'S CURES REVEALED
If you knew the secrets to curing your best friend's cancer, your spouse's heart disease, your parent's Alzheimer's, your own chronic pain, wouldn't you want to tell the world? The true cures have been covered up by the system you're supposed to trust with your life. But now one of the world's leading authorities on natural medicine is unveiling its greatest discovery—a treasure trove of health breakthroughs that could help to wipe out virtually ALL DISEASE.
Monday, December 3, 2007 Stones In the Road
Just ask any kidney stone patient and they'll tell you: passing that stone was the worst pain of their lives – just as intense as the pain of childbirth. Whether you're in the Passed- A-Stone club or not, kidney stones are clearly something you want to avoid. Fortunately there are a number of useful steps you can take to significantly reduce your risk.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007 Brain Preservers "Oxidative stress contributes to brain aging."
That observation leads off a new intervention study that shows how long-term use of a common antioxidant supplement may significantly reduce the risk of cognitive decline. We'll also look at other key supplements that offer protection from dementia.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007 Make every night the best night's sleep you've had in years!
If the thought of getting into bed includes visions of tossing, turning and lying awake until the wee hours of the morning, then we've got a solution for you! An all natural combination of herbs and nutrients clinically-designed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep all night – so you can wake up completely refreshed and recharged in the morning.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007 Master of Disaster When HSI Panelist Allan Spreen, M.D., referred to vegetarianism as a "total disaster," he knew there would be fallout, and boy was there! We'll look at responses from HSI members who have a bone to pick with Dr. Spreen while they defend the meatless diet.
Thursday, December 6, 2007 Corndogs and Ice Cream
For anyone who may be experiencing middle-aged expansion in the mid region, this e-Alert looks at two reasons why it's so important to be disciplined about dietary choices during the holidays. We'll also tell you about a nutrient that might significantly help prevent widening of the waistline.
Everyone stands in line or que for the government services that they have paid for through their taxes. As paid customers they should be treated with effeciency, respect, and courtesy. Most often they are not. They face smug indifference, arrogance, unnecessary delays, by the so called " public civil servants" . Q-jumpers is a blog to get services through any other means , offer competitive alternatives and make government services more accountable and customer user friendly.
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