Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Not a good way to save the health system

Not a good way to save the Heath system

In a blistering letter to Ontario doctors, the group says Hudson must also resign because he's "not competent" to lead the agency's board.

"We are at a crossroads in transformation where one path is carved out by seemingly entitled individuals who appear content to waste hundreds of millions of taxpayers' hard-earned money and who are not held accountable," states the letter signed by president Dr. Douglas Mark.

"Not even the Minister of Health, David Caplan, as he turns a blind eye to the shenanigans of his trusted leaders at eHealth who show up over and over again in various health care organizations with a trail littered with costly programs but questionable results."

Hudson hasn't returned calls for comment.

EHealth, which is tasked with creating electronic health records in Ontario, has ignited a political storm for questionable spending and awarding nearly $5 million in untendered contracts.

Sarah Kramer was abruptly removed as president and CEO on Sunday amid the furor over eHealth, which allowed consultants who were paid about $2,700 a day to bill taxpayers for minor purchases like tea and snacks.

This is sad and we wonder who is in charge and if there is anu accountability OJ

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