Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Big Pharma -made accountable by courageous whistje blowers- the legal drug cartel is tagged

We cannot allow that to continue . Merck gets caught

It's vitally important to know and exercise your legal rights and to understand your options when it comes to using vaccines and prescription drugs. For example, your doctor is legally obligated to provide you with the CDC Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) sheet and discuss the potential symptoms of side effects of the vaccination(s) you or your child receive BEFORE vaccination takes place. If someone giving a vaccine does not do this, it is a violation of federal law. Furthermore, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 also requires doctors and other vaccine providers to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, click the limk
Are you sure  why feed a cancer?
pharma greed and side effects can kill you

Sieg Holle BS MBA

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