Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Anti-obesity pill promising: second study

Wed Mar 9,12:09 PM ET Health - AFP

ORLANDO, United States (AFP) - A European study appears to confirm earlier results of tests on an experimental pill against obesity from French pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventi, researchers said.

Use of the drug saw average weight loss of 7.2 kilos after nearly two years' treatment, compared with 2.5 kilos in a placebo group, said diabetologist Luc Van Gaal.

Presenting conclusions from the study he led at the American College of Cardiology's annual meeting, Van Gaal said: "The majority of the weight that was lost at one year is still maintained after two years" with "only a slight increase" during the second year.

Van Gaal, the department head and professor of medicine in the department of Diabetology, Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition at the University Hospital in Antwerp, Belgium led the study in Europe of 1,507 significantly obese people.

The girth size in people in the study group shrank an average 8.5 centimeters after one year. On average, one year later, they had gained one centimeter on the waist.


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