Dr. Norman J. Marcus, MD, explains a remarkable NEW way to...
"Grow" Your Own Natural Heart Bypass
Without Surgery!
If you or someone you love is considering heart surgery, you need to know about this breakthrough right NOW. It's a SAFE, nonsurgical way to grow your own bypass and dramatically improve circulation in every part of your body!
NEW YORK, NY: Thanks to a stunning new therapy, heart surgery may someday soon become extinct. The new therapy is called external counterpulsation (ECP) and it may be one of the greatest heart-healing breakthroughs of our time.
It's now FDA approved. And it's SO simple, yet so effective, it has the potential to save millions of lives in the years ahead. How does it work?
When you have ECP therapy, a doctor places inflatable pressure cuffs on your legs. These cuffs are gradually inflated and deflated -- to stimulate increased blood flow throughout your body. This increased blood flow "signals" your body to actually grow new blood vessels around blockages. These healthy new blood vessels then perform the same function as a surgical bypass -- but without the surgery!
Everyone stands in line or que for the government services that they have paid for through their taxes. As paid customers they should be treated with effeciency, respect, and courtesy. Most often they are not. They face smug indifference, arrogance, unnecessary delays, by the so called " public civil servants" . Q-jumpers is a blog to get services through any other means , offer competitive alternatives and make government services more accountable and customer user friendly.
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