Thursday, April 06, 2006 - Editorial - CFS move disturbing - Editorial - CFS move disturbing: "Though it wasn't intentional, provincial officials may have exposed some glaring deficiencies this week in how they monitor the children in their care.
Child and Family Services authorities announced this week that staff have been instructed to check on all 6,100 children under their care over the next 30 days to ensure they are receiving appropriate services.
The move comes in the wake of the tragic death of five-year-old Phoenix Sinclair, who was allegedly killed by her mother and her mother's boyfriend three months after her file was closed by CFS.
It's unknown how this little girl could have fallen through the cracks the way she did. Manitobans now want answers.
To that end, the province has announced two reviews to look into this tragedy -- one internal and one external. And hopefully they will get to the bottom of it to ensure it doesn't happen again.

In the meantime, CFS officials have told their staff to rush out and check on the 6,100 children still under their care to see if they're all right. The union representing social workers has called the deadline impossible to meet.
It's a development we find terribly troubling.
Because it begs the question: are CFS officials not checking on these children already, on a regular basis?
Why the need for this sudden system-wide checkup?
CFS officials also announced this week that they have instructed staff to review files that have been closed in recent months.
We understand why CFS would want to take a second look at those files. It's unlikely that once a file is closed -- if it was closed for good reasons -- the child in question would be monitored by the state any further.
It seems prudent to have a second look at those in light of the Phoenix Sinclair tragedy.
But to ord"

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