Sunday, October 02, 2011

diabetes food for thought

The four great diabetes myths

The headline in Time magazine certainly caught my eye: "5 Ways to Avoid Diabetes -- Without Medications."

Some 80 million Americans are teetering on the brink of diabetes, ready to join the 20 million who already have the disease -- so if someone has a drug-free plan to help avoid this train wreck, I'm all ears.

Turns out I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up -- because the headline refers to a new study filled with the same tired advice that helped CAUSE the diabetes epidemic in the first place.

Of those "Five Ways," only one is on target: avoid obesity. But if you follow the other Four Ways, you're practically guaranteed to find yourself fat and facing disease -- not to mention a lifetime supply of medication.

So instead of the rest of the "Five Ways," I bring you the Four Great Myths perpetuated by the new study in The Annals of Internal Medicine:

Myth # 1: Eat a low-fat, high fiber diet. Millions of Americans already try to follow a low-fat, high-fiber diet. You know what we call them? Diabetics.

Myth # 2: Exercise. I'm all for healthy movements throughout the day -- but the research here is crystal clear. A furious exercise session at the end of the day won't lower your risk of chronic illness or an early death -- and it won't even help you to lose weight. Period.

Myth # 3: Quit smoking. A study last year, also in The Annals of Internal Medicine, found that smokers who quit have a 73 percent HIGHER risk of coming down with diabetes. Enough said.

Myth #4: Drink little to no booze. Teetotalers have a higher risk of diabetes than moderate boozers, and studies have reached that same conclusion over and over again. So drink up -- to your health!

Let me cut to the chase now, because you don't need five steps to avoid diabetes without medications -- these two will do just fine:

1) Skip sugar and most of the other carbs.
2) Eat plenty of fresh animal protein and fats.

That's it. And yes, it really is that easy. Doubt me? Try it! I dare you to prove me wrong.   

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