Saturday, April 16, 2005

Osprey Media Group Inc. - Brantford Expositor City desparate for a MRI

This is a good review of a public need that is not being met by the current Health administration. The truth and reality is informative.The facts are that this necessary service was easy to deliver and could have been in place last year. A proposal and plan was presented to the Ministry of Health and died a slow amd agonizing death. The report commissioned by a government representative is a worthwhile and enlightening read ,could still be actioned without fuss and the numerous public grovelling pleas to the entrenched Ministry representatives. Ask the MPP D. Levac for the December 2004- Hollecrest report to shed some light on this murky but critical health issue in the southern health catchment basin . Q.J
Osprey Media Group Inc. - Brantford Expositor: "City desperate for MRI

By Susan Gamble
Local News - Saturday, April 16, 2005 @ 01:00 "

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