Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Private clinics misleading Ontario patients, advocates say - Toronto - CBC News

Private clinics misleading Ontario patients, advocates say - Toronto - CBC News

Mathews insists the specialty clinics are not for-profit operations and are providing care that is currently provided in hospitals.
"It's easier for patients and it brings down wait times and we're assured of the highest possible quality," she said.
"Why would we say no to patients, you must go to hospital."
But Mehra points to the auditor general's 2012 annual report, which said most of the 825 independent health facilities in Ontario were owned and operated by for-profit companies. Only three per cent are non-profit organizations.
The report said the government estimates that about half are fully owned or controlled by physicians, many of whom are radiologists who interpret X-rays and ultrasounds, for example.
The report also found that the Ministry of Health paid the clinics about $408 million in 2010-11 in so-called "facility fees" for overhead costs such as rent, staff, supplies and equipment. It also pays physicians a standard fee for each service provided.

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